Digitally into the future!

Dear Readers,

You’re currently holding the Fraunhofer LBF annual report in its new compact format. – No, this doesn’t mean that the Institute has less to report on in 2017 than in previous years! Quite the reverse in fact. Anyone who has followed our institute and its annual reports in the past will have observed a steadily growing number of successful project contributions from all LBF research divisions, Lightweight Design, Vibration Technology, Reliability and Polymer Technology.

We have to thank you, your customers and project partners, for the fact that this trend is continuing uninterrupted. You have entrusted us and the institute with solving a constant stream of new and challenging R&D issues for eight decades. So, together with you, we have always remained “Definitely innovative!” And with this in mind, we will also use the opportunities of digitization for faster product development and to gain faster, even more in-depth knowledge along with you.  

»We actively shape the future in our target markets.«
Dr. phil. nat. U. Eul

Specific but at the same time completely different examples from the current annual report are the digital twin of a test rig, digitized characteristics of thermoplastic materials and a virtual development environment for the design optimization of wiring harnesses: 

  • Thanks to the smart interaction between the test object and the test system in the Digital Test Rig Twin, it is possible to capture the feasibility limits of the test and the achievable accuracies virtually, before the actual test, and therefore to record them efficiently while saving costs. 
  • Fraunhofer LBF has recorded digitized test data from over 6,000 tested thermoplastic material specimens in a specific database. Using this information, it is possible to derive the cause-and-effect relationships of a wide variety of influencing factors on the fatigue strength for selected material types, thereby greatly reducing the number of tests required. 
  • With each new generation of vehicles, more functions are electrified and integrated in the wiring harness in an ever-decreasing space. The integrated use of computer aided design, product data management, simulation and multidisciplinary design optimization in the development of wiring harnesses is investigated within the framework of a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Möchten Sie mehr über unsere Leistungen erfahren? Sie sind nur einen Mausklick von unseren Experten entfernt – Erhalten Sie detaillierte Informationen zu den zahlreichen Projekten aus dem Jahr 2017.

Auf Wunsch informieren und beraten wir Sie entsprechend Ihren individuellen Bedarfen – mit Sicherheit auch digital! 

We would like to invite you meet us in person to discuss the specifics of your problem. 

We look forward to seeing you! 

Dr. Ursula Eul

Dr. phil. nat. U. Eul, Strategisches Management

Strategic Management